Excited to discuss diversity, inclusion, equity and access. Thank you to the Arizona Library Association (AzLA) for honoring me as the keynote: Shhhh… Listen! Do You Hear The Sound ______?. http://www.azla.org/?page=2018RegionalForum
Dr. Villagran receives a Presidential Citation from SLA
Dr. Villagran in honored to receive a Presidential Citation from the 2017 SLA President Dee Magnoni for her contributions to the Special Libraries Association Diversity and inclusion task force. Thank you #SLA #SLA2017 #DICE #diversitymatters #diversity #inclusion #inclusionmatters. Read the press release: https://www.sla.org/about-sla/media-room/press-releases/sla-honors-members-presidential-citations/
Developing Cultural Intelligence: Working Effectively Across Cultures
Saturday, April 7, 2018, I will be presenting a deep dive on Developing Cultural Intelligence: Working Effectively Across Cultures! I am appreciative to be presenting such an important topic for the SWALL HALL 2018 annual meeting in Houston. http://www.harriscountylawlibrary.org/swall2018 #diversify #CQ #culturalintelligence
Diversity, Inclusivity, and Social Justice in the Library
I’m honored to be presenting at the 2018 Texas Library Association annual conference on Diversity, Inclusivity, and Social Justice in the Library on Tuesday, April 3 from 5:30 – 6:20 pm in the collaboration space in the exhibit hall. Join me for this lively discussion! #TXLA18 #diversity #inclusion #socialjustice #LIS http://www.txla.org/annual-conference
Cultural Intelligence in the Library Workplace – 4-week online course – register today!
Cultural Intelligence in the Library Workplace An Infopeople 4-week online course, March 20, 2018-April 16, 2018 Is your library serving an increasingly diverse community? Do you want to improve your interactions with and understanding of different cultures? Cultural awareness and understanding our unconscious biases are critical first steps towards improving our job performance, however, we […]
Free webinar: How Cultural Intelligence Makes a Difference in the Information Profession: Are You Culturally Competent?
Please join me on 2/21 for “How Cultural Intelligence Makes a Difference in the Information Profession: Are You Culturally Competent?” Register today for @malvillagran @CulturalCoLLC session on #CQ #culturalintelligence ow.ly/5wo130i0Iio